Sunday, April 6, 2014

Google+ Pages and the Google PIN issue

Everyone wants to ensure that their information is accurate on google right? Of course! As a business owner, nothing is worse if someone would like to come to your business, or buy a product, or make a reservation, and they can't seem to find you. It can make your business look unreliable and in today's world, it seems that you don't "care" or put enough effort in if you can't simply ensure your address and phone number are correct online. 

What is the first step? Well, according to Google's advice on address/information accuracy, you'll need to create a Google ID. 
1) Set up an email address via Google 
2) Create a local Google + page with your business's information / address / website / contact information / keywords and description / hours of operation 
*Make sure you enter your business address exactly how is appears offline and online (like on your website) 
3) Once you have created your Google + page, Google will want you to verify the address so that the listing is correct. This will also be necessary if a page already exists or information is already listed about your business and you need to update it. 
*If you do not verify your information, it will not appear correctly on Google Maps
4) You'll need to click "submit" in order to confirm your information and complete the update. 
5) Designate a Google + manager for your page. 

How do I verify my business?
Only the Google+ manager can request verification for a business page. To add a manager simply click on "Add Manager" on your Google + page. Enter the email address of the manager and have them check their email to verify the manager status. 

Once the manager is able to edit the page, have the manager sign in to the Google + page. You'll have choices to make updates on the dashboard of the page. Once you make your edits, you'll need to verify. You can verify via telephone or via post card.
If you verify via telephone, be ready to receive a phone call quite quickly -- within minutes. The automated Google system will read a PIN to you and you'll need to enter that PIN on the verification page when signed in to your Google+ account. 
If you choose to verify via post card, you'll need to wait until the post card arrives and then enter the PIN in to the Google+ page. 

Do not panic if it takes a few days to see the changes reflect on Google+ this is completely normal. 

Good luck on your Google + page! Here are some helpful links:
Verify Google + page: 
Setting up a Google + page: 
Add or remove manager: 

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